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Friday, November 6, 2020


Today we will talk about what is a keyword and why it is important for our website. Keyword is a Phrase or sentence. Which we and you use in the title to describe your article.

A keyword query works for a user, but for a Web Developer or Blogger, a user's query works as a keyword. Like if the user has to learn how to make a website.

So the user will search on Google or other search engine in search of something like this - How to create a website, . So this is the user's question and for Blogger or Web Developer, the user's question is the keyword.

Types of keywords in SEO

There are 3 types of keywords.

1.Short Tail keyword

The short tail keyword has 4 to 15 words. That is why it is called Short Tail. Let's look at some examples of this EX-Free Ebooks, Free Jio Phone.

2.Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail keywords ki lenght is greater than 4. That is why it is called Long Tail. Some examples of this are as follows - How to make a website, ways to earn money from Facebook, what is domain. Whenever you write an article, you must use the Long Tail keyword in all the articles.

If you use Long Tail Keyword, then you can rank very easily in Short Tail Keywords. Like - "9+ Best way to earn Money Online" Now if you see in this keyword, "Earn Money Online" which is this short keyword. It is also included in this long keyword. So when you rank in the long keyword now, it will automatically rank in the short keyword.

3.LSI Keywords

The full name of LSI is - Latent Semantic Indexing. This is a way through which you can find out what is the relationship between the keywords and the content used in the post.

Whenever the content of your page is crawled by bots of search engine, then any common word or pharse, identifies them like bots, keyword of search engine. Phrase also works to detect stuffing.

LSI finds the corresponding words with your page title inside the content. So that LSI knows how many times you have used one word. You cannot fool the search engine by using Phrase or tiitle in Random place in your page. So never make this mistake.

What is Keyword Density

We can also call it the density of the keyword. It tells how many times a keyword is present in an article. The number of words in the entire text, how many times the keyword has been used compared to those words.

Like - an article has 100 words, in which your keyword is 3 times, now the keyword density is 3%. Which according to the search engine is a good sign for High Keyword Density SEO.

Remember if you are using the same keyword over and over again then it is wrong. This is called Keyword Stuffing. If you do this, then your page will not be visible in Google search.

Whenever the search engine's bots page crawl, then they crawl the keywords. So that they get to know which keyword your page is ranked on. Your entire article should not have more than 3% Keyword density.

If possible, try to keep 1 to 2%. You have to avoid keyword stuffing. The more you focus on your main Keyword, the sooner your page rank will be. Always pay attention to a long tail keyword.

Where Keyword Should Be Placed ? 

Placing keywords in the correct place of post is also a very big art in itself. And you will get this art by blogging - as soon as you do it. But still some placements of keywords can be done this way.

1]Put keyword in title

2]Use keywords in your first paragraph

3]Use the keyword in the image's Alt Tag

4]Use keywords in Heading and Subheading (H2 and H3 Tag)

Now it comes that which is the best tool to search keywords properly. So you can use tools like Google keyword planner, Ubersuggest and SEMrush.